Sunday, October 26, 2008


Response to "Rubitone"
This is "color perfect" plus "brain". Not only are the colors striking, but this is good advertising for the company. It displays what it needs to about the company, on an object that always strikes people as fascinating.

Friday, October 24, 2008


Response to "Future Design Inspiration: Bugs"

Like a past article i wrote about nature inspiring us for design is another one! Not sure if this would be safe, or efficient, or anything like what we need...but the design is great. Inspired by a bug...Looks visually pleasing.


Response to "Hot Products"
This study finds that people who hold a cup of hot coffee/tea for 10 to 25 seconds warmed up to strangers, versus a cold beverage where people had the opposite effect. Is that why people are so cheerful around the winter holidays?!


Respose to "Holy Grail of Chairs"

This is a design of a chair that is made to fit "anyone" whether tall, skinny, fat, will seat you, and adjust at that. It has coils that allow the chair to fit to your body. I don't think i could believe it without seeing it, or sitting in it, but it is a great design.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Response to "Eye Jewlry"
By: Erik Clarenbeek. ABSOLUTELY DISTURBING!! What makes people think that this is attractive. It is grose, it looks like they forgot to clean their face. Not attractive and i hope this does not become the next "phase". I understand the idea of change, and new ...but not on the eye.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Response to "Flip Clock Application"

A $99 application to add to your phone to use it as a desk clock! It is plugged in and does not waste battery, and is another thing less that you have to buy that you can put right on your phone.


Response to "Flip Clock Application"

A $99 application to add to your phone to use it as a desk clock! It is plugged in and does not waste battery, and is another thing less that you have to buy that you can put right on your phone.


Response to "Self designed iPod accessorie"

While the armband was a great idea for iPods, this one is even better. It is a magnet like sheet that goes on the indside of your clothing and the iPod magnet on the actual iPod sticks to it. GREAT when you are in need of free movement and want it to attach to your clothes!! This was created by a couple, and since have made 50,000 dollars in sales in 6 months off of this self designed product.


Response to "Cassette Closet"

Very creative and would be great to have as a wall in some kind of music store! Most of the things that are on tapes are now found elsewear like online or on cds. Might as well be creative and make them into something great!


Response to "Super Smart Car Concept"

GREAT IDEA!! Combining the idea of personal and public transportation. With gas prices and the economy this is just what we need! Great idea, visually pleasing and has the ability to go somewhere!!


Response to "Super Smart Car Concept"

This right here is public and personal transportation combined. Very smart, very creative looking. Pleasing to the eye and a good concept. I would take this idea further!


Response to "Package design expo in Monaco"
Absolutely important the package design on perfume bottles. I would say its 45% of its selling rate. Package design makes it what it is. It is a very important aspect to a product.


Response to "Rescuebot"

This is an article that states the importance of design. The most important thing in this article, however, is that it says the design elements are taken from nature. That is something that should be done when creating something in place of something else. An example of this is how we needed airplanes to fly...we designed them after the shape and anatomy of the bird. Everyone just keeps getting smarter :)

Monday, October 6, 2008


Response to "Pininfarina Launches Electric Car"

This new project sounds like a good idea. The design of the car is visually pleasing, and the fact that it seats 4 is going to grab the attention of many. Does it have a trunk? Little questions need to be answered, but the idea is going in a good direction.


Response to "Designing a Desktop Alternative in Milan"

A new design for desktops? Not sure what could change because the desktop has always been consistant in its design, however, to improve you need to change! It is supposed to easily handle mass amounts of information. It is trying to relplace the "folder" metaphor...not sure how to accomplish that, but by all means try! I would like to see it.


Response to "Color IQ Test"

This is a web sight that allows you to associate colors with words. It is supposed to, in the long run, help designers figure out what colors people associate with certain things. Core77 describes it as "a perfect thursday afternoon time waster". Whether it is 100% accurate is questionable, however it is 100% what the public sees colors as. Its has to have an effect


Response to "..And Why Do People Buy What They Buy"
This is about Nokia competing with the iPhone. It talks about competing products, however in order to compete you need to be different. Nokia has such similar aspects to the iPhone that you might as well get the original iPhone. Like i said, to compete, you need to be


Response to "Tile Furniture"
Although we associate furniture with "comphy" in terms of the object itself and also making the room look inviting, however is a design like this worth it? I think so. Based on the pictures the furniture looks neat and inviting even though it doesnt look like a cotton ball. The comfort level would have to be tested before i would buy it, but based on its picture it is visually pleasing in the object itself and in the look of a


Response to "Crystal Bling Speakers"

The image alone caught my eye and i immediately wanted to talk about this. Something visually pleasing is just as important, maybe more important than the text about it! The article is right, we are kind of over the whole "bling thing"...or aren't we? These speakers caught the attention of many...and are going to be everyone can can offord it's next holiday gift to brighten up the


Response to "Branding Firms enter the Industrial Design Fray"
This was important for to our field of work We have been told in class that branding and company Id's go a long way and are important for marketing, selling, and for the company its self. We are learning to design Id's and logos, all sorts of things related to branding so it is important for us to not only hear it from our teachers, but to read it and hear about it through the media so we understand just how much of an effect it does have!


Responce to "Deserve Your Dream"
Talks about the creativity of "new designers" and how their minds are new. How a lot of projects come from what new designers do in the classroom. I decided to comment on this because we are currently students and this can apply to any of us. We DO need experience, however our minds are new the the field and can produce things that have never been produced before.