Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Comment On "iPhone Document Scanner"

*The fact that people are putting their brains to use to solve problems that they were having is great. The fact that they are using technology to their advantage is smart. This posting is so interesting because it reminds you how different everyone's thinking is. This is something i would have never thought of, but would definitly use!! The Screenagers generation is put to work here! Growing up with the type of technology that my generation did...definitly lead to an invention like this.

Comment On "1 Hour Design Challenge"

*The design of the backpack chosen for the winner is very creative! I enjoyed reading the reasoning behind the design. It is student friendly. The design for the second place winner is great because there is humor involved. This caught my attention because coming up with a design for something that is currently used and is currently functional is difficult because it is already excepted by society. I give a lot of credit to those who can better a design that is already great!

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