Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Response to "Straws that can go around the world"

With these straw attachments you can make the straws in any design...as long, as wide, as high, as complicated as you want, and they are colorful too. I am not sure if this is something that the world needs right now, however maybe when the economy is better there will be a higher need for "cool" "pointless" things.


Bicycle Concepts from Around the World...

Very Interesting to see the different concepts of how people can use bicycles in every day life. The latter one is very creative, but how safe and sturdy is it. Would someone ride the bike while someone was on the latter... i would like to see a video of this in use.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


This is crazy...the article reads this...

"...The transformation is truly revolutionary--no more engine under the front or rear bonnet, no more traditional suspension system, and no more gearbox or transmission shaft thanks to the Michelin Active Wheel. That's because all essential components have been integrated into the wheel itself. Cars equipped with this integrated solution deliver an array of unique advantages. In a sense, the Michelin Active Wheel is an intelligent wheel capable of propelling cars without gasoline, while ensuring suspension and braking functions and providing unrivalled road handling and comfort."


"The Michelin Active Wheel inaugurates a new era in road transportation in which a car's road, safety, energy and environmental performance achieve unprecedented levels. This is because of a miniature drive engine and an electrical suspension system incorporated into the wheel. These technologies developed by Michelin have made it possible to completely rethink the car."

Something like this really can change the whole idea of a car. While other people are looking for ways to replace gas...this company looked for a way to change how a car moves. Brilliant in my opinion. This can definitely go somewhere. I would like to see this design in ten years. I will buy a car that has it.


The dumbest show on television CLICK HERE

Click on the link and you will understand WHY it is called "the dumbest show on tv". However im not really sure why it is on core77.com 

It is a show that is about these two men, destroying everything by hand. In the beginning of the show they said they were going to use "science" to break everything manually... im not sure i can see the science in this show after watching them break toilets with their butts, and watching them throw tv's out the window. Anyway, someone thought it would be a big hit on television...

Simple Animation